Авторизация Выход
  • Dialogue of Civilizations. Russia and the Muslim World
  • Издательство:   Международные Отношения
  • Год выпуска:  2015
  • Серия: 
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1490-3
  • Тип обложки:  твердый переплет 145 х 215 мм
  • Количество страниц:  288
  • Код Товара:  0690
  • Доступность:  Нет в наличии

Dialogue of Civilizations. Russia and the Muslim World

The book examines the challenges inherent in cooperating in the modern world. It pays particular attention to the conditions required to avoid creating a new divide along
religious and cultural lines. The study helps the reader understand how Russia can serve as a bridge of sorts between the West and the Muslim East, and turn cooperation between
them into an essential element of international politics.
Rapidly rising tensions in the Middle East, North Africa, and a number of other regions, as well as a wave of anti-Western protests in the fall of 2012, attest to the topical nature of the book’s central theme.
These days, politicians and political analysts love to talk about cultural conflicts that are perpetually poised to turn into a full-blown “clash of civilizations”. From this perspective, an examination of current relations between Russia and the Muslim world is especially crucial. The studies presented in Envarbik Fazelyanov’s book illustrate how Russia’s unique history of coexistence between Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Islam has influenced the special role our country plays in relations with the Muslim world. Russia and the Muslim world are trying equally hard to hold on to their identities as globalization takes hold. This lofty goal unites, rather than divides, the two sides, and helps curtail the obvious threat of confrontation between those civilizations. The author puts forth a convincing argument that Russia could bridge the gap between the Muslim East and the West, serving as a bulwark against the emergence of a deadly religious divide.

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of Russia
Mikhail Margelov

Situated between the Christian West and the Muslim East, Russia upholds its unique historic mission of acting as a bridge between civilizations. Envarbik Fazelyanov’s book examines the major challenges that currently lie in the path of cross-cultural cooperation, as well as those that might arise in the coming decades. The scope of relations with the Muslim world has proven to be much more complex and involved than general opinion would suggest. Fazelyanov’s work can easily claim to be a new step in the search for a lively dialogue and common ground for further partnerships between Russia and the Muslim world.

Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Vitaly Naumkin

Envarbik Fazelyanov is a Russian diplomat, Professor of Oriental Studies, and Doctor of Economics. He holds a degree from the Moscow State Institute of
International Relations. In 1986–1987, Mr. Fazelyanov took part in the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) as an expert on Africa.
In 1990, he published an academic work titled Egypt: The Human Factor and Development. Currently, he serves as Russia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to Oman. Prior to his current post, he spent over six years as the Russian Ambassador to Sudan. Mr. Fazelyanov has spent the last 25
years as a diplomat in the Middle East and North Africa, including Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan.

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