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  • Private International Law in Selected Documents
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  1961
  • Series:  
  • ISBN: 
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет
  • Number of pages:  335 с.
  • Product Code:  нет
  • Availability:  Not available

Private International Law in Selected Documents

   The collection "Private International Law in selected documents", which is offered to the attention of readers, contains documentation on issues of private international law. The collection is intended mainly for students engaged in the study of private international law, students of special courses. The collection is based on the system of the course of private international law and consists of two parts: general and special. The general part includes documents on the following issues: basic principles and sources of private international law, conflicts of laws, reciprocity, retorsions, public order, establishment of a foreign law. The special part contains documents on the following issues: the civil status of foreigners, foreign legal entities, property rights, law of obligations, copyright, inventive law, family law, inheritance law, as well as documents on issues of "international civil procedure". Of course, not all of them are included in the collection, but only the most important acts of the USSR, the countries of people's democracy and other countries. Private codifications of private international law, carried out at different times by individual institutes and scientists, are not given in the collection. As is known, the sources of private international law include, in addition to treaties, the domestic legislation of States. This explains that the collection includes, along with international treaties, national laws, by-laws, decisions of courts, arbitration bodies, etc. If necessary, notes are made to the documents containing various explanations. In cases where international agreements are involved, the footnotes contain an indication of the parties to the agreement. As a rule, a political assessment of documents is not given, since it is either clear from the content of the documents themselves, or is sufficiently fully set out in textbooks of private international law.

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