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Series "Banking systems of the World"

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600 руб.

Books about banks and banking from the International Relations Publishing House are an invaluable source of information for anyone interested in the banking sector. They provide an in-depth analysis of the banking systems of Russia and other countries of the world: their history, structure, operation and prospects for development. The series devotes special attention to the role of central banks and international organizations in the development of national banking systems. 

Our bibliography on banking and finance includes

  • Monographs 
  • Research
  • Textbooks and training aids
  • Dictionaries and encyclopedias.

The works presented are written by leading experts in banking and finance, some of whom have themselves managed major financial institutions. This makes it possible to examine the banking sphere from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. 

Publishing house "International Relations" strives to publish books about banking and finance, written in a clear and concise language, which allows a wide range of readers to get a comprehensive picture of the banking system, but most of all our literature will be useful for bankers, specialists in the financial sector, as well as undergraduate and graduate students of economic departments of universities.

Dear Readers! We strive to keep up with the times, so now on the website of the Publishing House International Relations ImoBook.ru you can buy not only paper, but also electronic versions of the best books on banking. 

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