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Т. 1. The founding of Russian America (1732–1799). 536 pp.; ILLUS. Т. 2. Ope..
1900 руб.
This book is dedicated to the life of Edward Grey – English politician and dipl..
500 руб.
   Counting on nuclear weapons being banned in the distant future, Ro..
500 руб.
   A book written by Doctor of Legal Science, professor, member of the..
720 руб. 900 руб.
   This monograph makes an effort to locate and analyze the array of t..
600 руб.
   This book encompasses both the theoretical aspects of legitimate au..
450 руб.
This monograph is unique in being the fruit of research of leading specialists f..
320 руб.
In their research, the authors have tried to answer the following questions: wh..
800 руб.
   "The most lucid, comprehensive, intelligent and reliable account o..
800 руб.
The book was published with the financial support of Vladimir Mikhailovich Stoly..
700 руб.
   In a short historical period the United States evolved from a rela..
600 руб.
The authors of this book have tried to evaluate the Chinese One Belt One Road I..
550 руб.
  Launched at the beginning of the XXI century, the global struggle for th..
500 руб.
More than one hundred years have passed since the beginning of the First World ..
900 руб.
   N. N. Molchanov’s book sheds light on Russia’s foreign policy and d..
950 руб.
   This book is the fruit of research on the multidimensional issues ..
300 руб.
  In the XXI century, no other country has attracted such attention as Chi..
250 руб.
   This monograph is part of a series of books on the history of the J..
990 руб.
490 руб.
The history of Spain's foreign policy since the formation of a unified state on..
550 руб.

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