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  • The Fifth Republic : (political struggle in France in 1958-1963)
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  1964
  • Series:  
  • ISBN: 
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет
  • Number of pages:  387 с.
  • Product Code:  нет
  • Availability:  Not available

The Fifth Republic : (political struggle in France in 1958-1963)

    The political life of France has always been extremely turbulent and tense. It was characterized by an abundance of sharp turns, complex zigzags, unexpected transformations. This is especially characteristic of recent years. May 13, 1958 under the blows of a military-fascist putsch in Algeria collapsed the Fourth Republic, undermined from within 15 years of unsuccessful colonial wars. The Fifth Republic, the regime of General de Gaulle's personal power, was established on its wreckage. However, the impressive at first glance building of the authoritarian regime hides behind the monolithic facade of the sharpest internal contradictions. Military conspiracies, the terror of the Oassov "ultras" who rebelled against the one they once helped to come to power, the endless scrapping of the constitutional framework of the Fifth Republic, strife and squabbling among its "princes" seriously weakened the ruling camp after the end of the war in Algeria. At the same time, the anti-people policy of the regime is gradually narrowing its social support, leading to the convergence of left-wing forces, whose militant vanguard is the French Communist Party. About all this is told in the book by Yu.I.Rubinsky.

    The book is designed for a wide range of readers interested in the life of modern France. 

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