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  • Games of Fate
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2022
  • Series:  
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1670-9
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 145 х 215 мм
  • Number of pages:  440
  • Product Code:  0948
  • Availability:  In Stock
821.161.1-31 Енгибарян ББК 84(2=411.2)6-44

Games of Fate

   People’s fates, multiplied by the fate of a country. Real-life events with fictional protagonists’ names and with a genuine detective storyline. Last century. 80s. Aldrich Ames, a member of the US Central Intelligence Agency has handed over to Moscow a list of 25 high-ranking Soviet military officials and diplomats, collaborating with the CIA. They were all called to Moscow under different pretexts, arrested and, according to the decision of the military tribunal, sentenced to death by shooting. But in 1982, Yuri Andropov came to power in the Kremlin, attempting to reconcile the impossible; to rescue the agonizing Soviet regime without making a definitive mess of the relationship with the West. Some of the officers whose names and surnames were handed over by Ames, were spared. Their death sentence was changed to a long prison sentence. Among them is the protagonist of the novel, lieutenant colonel Andrei Markelov. The reason for his betrayal during his time in office at the embassy of the USSR being his passionate love for a young and enchanting pianist. What next? The revenge of the contemporary Count of Monte Cristo, his life being miraculously spared? Or the rebirth of the hero, accompanied by a new passion? A dynamic subject, vivid characters. All of this against the backdrop of the shocking truth of total lawlessness on a state level. You will read the erotic adventures (and not only) of Alex, the Russian Casanova of the post-Soviet period, in one go! He is the hero of this collection of stories. Lightness of language and depth of thought describes the writing style of Robert Engibaryan, whose books are in demand both among Russian and foreign readers. For a wide circle of readers.

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