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  • Swedish language reading book
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  1963
  • Series:  
  • ISBN: 
  • Cover type:  мягкая обложка
  • Number of pages:  208 с.
  • Product Code:  нет
  • Availability:  Not available

Swedish language reading book

    This textbook is a supplement to the “Practical Course of Swedish” and is intended for senior courses of language universities where Swedish is studied as a main or second language. Besides, the manual can be used for independent study of the Swedish language. When selecting the material, we took into account not only the artistic value of the work, but also the suitability of the text for work in the classroom. This explains the fact that the textbook consists mainly of short stories suitable for retelling, class discussion, homework or extracurricular reading.

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  • 0 руб.

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