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  • On the theory of the foreign policy of socialism
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  1977
  • Series:  
  • ISBN: 
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет
  • Number of pages:  296 с.
  • Product Code:  нет
  • Availability:  Not available

On the theory of the foreign policy of socialism

    The book by well-known Soviet historians of international relations is devoted to the consideration of the origins, principles and theoretical foundations of the foreign policy of socialism, revealing the contribution of the CPSU to the development of the scientific theory of socialist foreign policy. The authors pay special attention to the statement of the problems of foreign policy and international relations, reflected in the documents of the XXV Congress of the Party. The book criticizes various kinds of bourgeois perversions of the theory and practice of socialist foreign policy.

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  • 0 руб.

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