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  • The history of Russian foreign intelligence: Essays: In 6 vols
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2021
  • Series:  
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1451-4
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 145 х 215 мм
  • Number of pages:  240+272+504+696+768+264
  • Product Code:  0995
  • Availability:  In Stock
УДК 351.746.1(47+57)(091) ББК 67.401.212

The history of Russian foreign intelligence: Essays: In 6 vols

The history of Russian foreign intelligence: Essays: In 6 volumes - T. I. From ancient times to 1917 - 240p., ISBN 978-5-7133-1 (V.I)

In this publication, the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) wants to acquaint readers with the real side of the work of Russian intelligence agents. The training of the "History of Russian Foreign Intelligence" involved professional scouts-veterans who personally took part in many reconnaissance operations of recent decades. The first volume deals with the history of the Russian intelligence agency from the 16th century to 1917.

For a wide range of readers.

The history of Russian foreign intelligence: Essays: In 6 vols T. II. 1917-1933 - 272p.,   ISBN 978-5-7133-1 (V.II)

The second volume highlights the formation and strengthening of Soviet external intelligence (1917-1933) as part of the political system of a qualitatively different state, which, however, retained priority tasks and directions of the activities of Russian foreign intelligence - protecting national interests, authority and power of the country .

For a wide range of readers.

The history of Russian foreign intelligence: Essays: In 6 vols T. III. 1933-1941 - 504p.,   ISBN 978-5-7133-1 (V.III)

The third volume introduces readers to the work of "legal" and illegal re-residents, major operations and the fate of outstanding scouts in 1933-1941. The activities of the SVR during this period were determined by two factors: the threat of a new world war and the attempt of the Soviet state to prevent it on the basis of the principle of collective security. In the face of the intensification of the counter-intelligence regime, the influx of anti-Soviet propaganda and spy mania in Europe and the United States, huge personnel losses during the years of repression, intelligence selflessly fought for the information security of the country's leadership, sought allies in the forthcoming struggle against fascism, tried to influence government circles abroad in the right direction, helped to strengthen the defense capability of the state.

For a wide range of readers.

The history of Russian foreign intelligence: Essays: In 6 vols T. IV. 1941-1945 - 696p.,   ISBN 978-5-7133-1 (V.IV)

The fourth volume introduces readers to the work of "legal" and illegal residencies and biographies of prominent scouts operating during the war (1941-1945). At that time, reconnaissance activities were aimed at uncovering the military plans of Hitler's Germany, assisting in the deployment of the partisan movement in the occupied territories. In the final period of the war, Russian intelligence monitored the plans and intentions of the United States and Britain to restructure the post-war world, helped to overcome the US monopoly on nuclear weapons. In addition to this, declassified documents from the foreign intelligence archive are published.

The history of Russian foreign intelligence: Essays: In 6 vols. V. V. 1945-1965 - 768p.,  ISBN 978-5-7133-1 (V.V)

The fifth volume is devoted to the work of "legal" and illegal residencies and biographies of famous scouts operating in 1945-1965. The activity of intelligence in these years was aimed at ensuring peaceful conditions for the post-war development of the country, preventing the outbreak of the cold war into the third world war, and helping the people's liberation movements in the colonial countries in their struggle for independence. Russian intelligence in those years continued to follow the plans and intentions of the leading capitalist countries to change the balance of forces in their favor, helping to overcome the US monopoly on nuclear weapons and the scientific and technological progress of our country. In addition to this, declassified documents from the foreign intelligence archive are published.

For a wide range of readers.

The history of Russian foreign intelligence: Essays: In 6 vols. V. VI. 1966-2005 - 264p.,   ISBN 978-5-7133-1 (V.VI)

The sixth volume ends with a series of essays entitled The History of Russian Foreign Intelligence. He is dedicated to her work from 1966 to the present: the dramatic period of the history of our state - the height of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union. In that difficult time for the country, intelligence reconfigured its ranks on a democratic basis, sought and found new priorities, directions, forms and methods of work, improved the structure, and updated the cadres. This is reflected in some essays of the final volume.

A number of essays show the work of foreign intelligence to uphold the geopolitical interests of our country in the first postwar years, its activities to prevent the Cold War from escalating into a "hot" one, to fight with the intelligence agencies of the enemy on the political, ideological and economic fronts. New directions in intelligence activity, caused by the dictates of the times, were also touched upon.

Intelligence is still designed to help ensure national security of the country. And its main mission - obtaining secret information in the interests of Russia - will continue in the future.

For a wide range of readers.

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