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Международные отношения
Международное право
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International relationships
History of international relations
People on a space bridge
Publisher: International Relations Publisher
Year of issue: 2017
ISBN: 978-5-7133-1577-1
Cover type: твердый переплет 145 х 215 мм
Number of pages: 656
Product Code: 0808
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УДК 629.7(470:73)(091)(093.3) ББК 39.6г(2Рос)ю14+39.6г(7Сое)ю14
People on a space bridge
Караш Ю.Ю. ( Karash Y. )
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About the author
Space has long been a part of our lives. It is pictured in many films and TV broadcasts, and is often even the subject of heated political arguments, not to say science fiction. Yet sometimes real events beyond the atmosphere are capable of capturing the imagination more effectively than the most complex of fantasy plots. That’s why non-fiction literature about space is read with no less interest that the works of Arthur Clarke, Stanislav Lem or the Strugatsky brothers. This book is part of that category. An adventure book and witness… It is based on the memories of those who participated in the Shuttle-Mir program; on numerous interviews with astronauts, engineers, and other specialists from Russia and the US who worked on the joined space project. Yury Karash’s rich personal experience is also drawn on. He underwent training in the Johnson Space Centre.
Yury Karash’s book is not only about space, but also about US astronauts’ and Russian cosmonaut’s collaboration in space exploration. It embodies the author’s dream – to see space not as a competition field but as an opportunity for collaboration between terrestrials regardless of their nationality or passport. Unfortunately the author won’t see his dream with his own eyes, or his published book. Shortly after he submitted his manuscript to the publisher, he died. Death crept up on him – a strong, energetic man full of plans – when Yury Karash was on another business trip in the US, in a science space center.
This book is for anyone interested in a space odyssey full of unbelievable adventures.
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