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  • The Planet of Ponzi
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2014
  • Series:  
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1460-X
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 145 х 215 мм
  • Number of pages:  424
  • Product Code:  0649
  • Availability:  Not available
УДК 336.76.(73) ББК 65.264(7Сое)

The Planet of Ponzi

   In his book, the famous analyst and leading authority on stock markets, Mitch Feierstein, touches upon the problems linked to the catastrophic economic crisis which began in the USA in 2007, and its consequences. Having worked for many years on Wall Street the author understands schemes, purposefully hidden from the non-initiated, often used by American financiers. Making a comparison with the fraud of opportunist Charles Ponzi in the US, 1920, M. Feierstein convincingly exposes the authors of today's gigantic financial pyramid – he names it 'Planet Ponzi' – which was created by the state and has been responsible for the bankruptcy of multitudes of ordinary citizens.  Of interest are the author's observations on the mutual link between the US Federal Government and Wall Street, the role of the FRS, the state saving large companies at the expense of ordinary Americans during the crisis, and also the USA's relatively enormous debt and possible default. In addition, the author focuses on processes linked to the global financial and economic crisis in EU countries and Japan.

The book is written in very accessible language. It will be of interest to a wide circle of readers who are following the latest global economic and political events, and to economists and financial specialists.

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