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  • The game about W. Shakespeare, or the Mystery of the Great Phoenix
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2024
  • Series:  
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1430-9
  • Cover type:  твёрдый переплёт 145 х 215 мм
  • Number of pages:  608
  • Product Code:  1158
  • Availability:  In Stock
УДК 820.09 Шек. ББК 83.3 (4 Вел.) – 8 Шекспир Издание третье, дополненное

The game about W. Shakespeare, or the Mystery of the Great Phoenix

This book is the result of innovative studies of literary and historical facts related to the phenomenon of Shakespeare. The reader will learn about the history of the famous "Shakespearean question", about the discoveries of the author, which began with the most mysterious work - the poem "Phoenix and the Dove", before this has always been translated into Russian incorrectly. These discoveries provide the key to understanding the amazing and beautiful mystery in the history of human culture - the mystery of the Great Name - Shakespeare. Book I.M. Gililova has no analogues, scientists have learned about a number of the facts established by him for the first time. Strict scientific, rich information is combined in the book with an exciting style of presentation.

The first editions of the book immediately after its appearance caused an extensive and stormy discussion in our country and abroad. Therefore, in this edition, in which many new and interesting facts are added, a separate appendix gives an overview of the controversy surrounding the work of I.M. Gililov.

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