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  • The labyrinths of military business
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  1969
  • Series:  
  • ISBN: 
  • Cover type:  мягкая обложка
  • Number of pages:  176 с.
  • Product Code:  нет
  • Availability:  Not available

The labyrinths of military business

    The book tells about the largest military contractors of the U.S. Department of Defense, profiting from the arms race and aggravation of international conflicts, about the financial-industrial groups of Wall Street that support them, about the “kitchen” of the military business. The rich factual material shows how the “long arm” of the U.S. military-industrial complex extends far beyond the military production itself and firmly holds some levers of control of the state-monopolistic apparatus of the United States, by what methods the U.S. military-industrial monopolies use the top of the armed forces and the government apparatus to extract maximum profits, demagogic statements of the Pentagon about the so-called “saving” of public funds are exposed, it is said about how the military-industrial monopolies of the U.S. military-industrial complex and the U.S. military-industrial monopolies use the top of the armed forces and the government apparatus to extract maximum profits. 

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  • 0 руб.

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