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  • U.S. diplomacy and UN economic activities
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  1972
  • Series:  
  • ISBN: 
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет
  • Number of pages: 
  • Product Code:  нет
  • Availability:  Not available

U.S. diplomacy and UN economic activities

    For the first time in Soviet literature, the book provides a generalized and systematic analysis of the strategy and tactics of American diplomacy in the economic organs of the United Nations, primarily in the Economic and Social Council and the Second Committee of the General Assembly. The US attitude towards the United Nations and its Secretariat is shown. The article highlights new aspects in the approach of United States diplomacy to such issues as the sovereignty of peoples over their natural resources, financing the economic development of third world countries, the development of international trade, the provision of technical assistance through the United Nations, the decentralization of the economic activities of the United Nations, and so on. The links of the US state apparatus involved in the implementation of foreign economic policy and the place of the United Nations in the plans of American diplomacy are characterized, the influence of the interests of monopolistic capital on the formation of US foreign policy is shown. The role of foreign economic policy in the overall complex of foreign policy activities of the ruling circles of the United States, including at the United Nations, is assessed. For the first time, the structure of the departments of the US Department of State dealing with economic problems that are considered at the UN is presented, the functions and tasks of these departments are given. This shows which issues of economic development are being brought to the fore by the United States and why, and which, on the contrary, are meeting fierce resistance on their part. The article analyzes the evolution of the position of American delegations on some economic issues, reveals the goals that American diplomacy pursued when considering them. For the first time, the book systematizes and summarizes extensive factual material on this topic, including UN documents and studies, Congressional materials and other official publications of the United States, American economic literature and research by economists from other countries.

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  • 0 руб.

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