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  • Foreign Trade of the USSR for 1973 (Statistical Review)
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  1974
  • Series:  
  • ISBN: 
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет
  • Number of pages: 
  • Product Code:  нет
  • Availability:  Not available

Foreign Trade of the USSR for 1973 (Statistical Review)

    The review contains data on foreign trade of the USSR in comparison with the previous year. In it the reader will find data on the volume of foreign trade in the USSR as a whole, its distribution by groups of countries and individual countries, physical volume indices, the specific weight of individual countries and the most important goods in the total exports and imports of the USSR, the structure of exports and imports, the exports and imports of the USSR by commodity, the geographical distribution of exports and imports of some goods by country, the transportation of foreign trade cargoes by mode of transport, etc. The Survey contains data on the structure of exports and imports, the geographical distribution of exports and imports of some goods by country, the transportation of foreign trade cargoes by mode of transport, etc. 

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  • 0 руб.

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