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  • English textbook. - 2 ed.
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  1967
  • Series:  
  • ISBN: 
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет
  • Number of pages:  312 с.
  • Product Code:  нет
  • Availability:  Not available

English textbook. - 2 ed.

    This textbook is intended for students of the first and second year of study at the historical faculties of universities and pedagogical institutes. The textbook is designed for people who continue to study English on the basis of knowledge acquired in high school. It is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the program for 1st and 2nd year students of a non-linguistic (humanitarian) university and has a pronounced professional orientation, which is manifested in the subject of texts, the nature of methodological tasks, exercises and a specially selected dictionary of historical terminology. The subjects of the educational and textbook texts correspond to the most common topics of historical courses taught in Russian for students of the first two years of study and relate to the history of the ancient world, the Middle Ages, modern and modern history, including various periods of national history. In addition to historical topics, the textbook examines topics related to the geographical overview of the country, the Great Patriotic War, biographies of prominent personalities, descriptions of cities, studies and everyday life of students presented in Intermediate Lessons. The textbook consists of a phonetic section, 15 lessons, a grammar guide, instructions for grammatical analysis, translation and abstracting, a terminological dictionary, a reader (additional texts for home reading) and an appendix. A typical textbook lesson contains a text (usually original), a note to the text explaining the realities, interpretation of lexical and grammatical difficulties and ways of translation, a list of mandatory words and expressions (active vocabulary of the lesson), phonetic exercises to the text, exercises on the rules of reading and word formation, grammatical and lexical exercises, and there are also exercises and additional material for the formation of oral speech skills. The lesson contains laboratory work, which is carried out in the laboratory of oral speech and is a task for independent preparation of students

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