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  • History of the Russian Protocol
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2018
  • Series:  
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1612-9
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 145 х 215 мм
  • Number of pages:  352
  • Product Code:  0852
  • Availability:  Not available
УДК 327(470) ББК 66.49(2Рос)

History of the Russian Protocol

   'The Ceremonial for foreign ambassadors to the Russian Imperial Court' was the first state act of Elizabeth's reign. P.F. Lyadov analyses this act and other historical and contemporary documents on the legal foundations of protocol, presenting a thorough investigation into the formation process of Russia's protocol service. P.F. Lyadov – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – uses lively and expressive language to detail interesting events and gives vivid characterization to the people involved in them.

The book will be met with interest by diplomats, teachers, postgraduates, students of diplomatic faculties and a wide range of readers.

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