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  • The art of international negotiations: textbook — 6th ed.
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2024
  • Series:  
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1763-8
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 145 х 215 мм
  • Number of pages:  432 с.
  • Product Code:  1136
  • Availability:  In Stock
УДК 327.8(075.8) ББК 66.49я73-1

The art of international negotiations: textbook — 6th ed.

   The sixth edition of this textbook introduces international negotiations through a contemporary lens; main principles, strategic approaches and tactical maneuvers. Particular attention is paid to negotiations in acute conflicts and the use of mediation. The second part of the book analyses the main styles of negotiating used in the west and east and their role in intercultural communication. Each chapter contains a practical section that includes tests, tutorials and case studies of different negotiations. This allows the reader to perfect their negotiation sills independently. The book is aimed at specialists in the field of international relations, managers at different levels, business trainers and all those who wish to master the art of negotiation.

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  • 600 руб.

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