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  • Private International Law: Textbook – 5th ed., revised. and add.
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2024
  • Series:  
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1772-0
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 145 х 215 мм
  • Number of pages:  1180
  • Product Code:  1159
  • Availability:  In Stock
УДК 341.9(075.8) ББК 67.93я73-1

Private International Law: Textbook – 5th ed., revised. and add.

  The textbook is a whole course in iteslf on private international law. It reflects federal laws regulating cross-border relations: on controlled foreign companies (2014), on the jursidictional immunities of foreign states and their property (2015), on arbitration (arbitration proceedings) in Russia (2015), on the localization of personal data on the territory of Russia (2015), on international companies and international funds (2018), on the activities of foreign nationals on the Internet on the territory of the RF (2021), on regulating corporate relations in economically significant organizations (2023), and other laws as of January 2024.

   The author has analyzed the practices of Russian and international state courts and arbitration institutions on implementing the provisions of international private law, inter alia those created after the start of the special military operation, including the practice of applying articles 248.1 and 248.2 APK RF on the exclusive jurisdiction of arbitration courts. The textbook also addresses deoffshorization and the regulation of offshore companies and trusts, which is taking place in Russian and global policy.

   Particular attention is paid to analyzing unilateral coersive measures (sanctions) adopted by unfriendly countries against Russian legal persons, natural persons and the Russian state from 2014–2024, and also response measures (contrasanctions) adopted by the Russian authorities against unfriendly states and foreign persons from those states (Presidential Decrees RF № 79, 81, 96, 126, 302, 416, 520, 618, 844 etc.).             Recommended to students, lecturers in law schools and faculties, specialist practitioners, government officials, legislators.

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