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  • The Russian consular mission in Crete: main stages of establishment (1784–1866) : monograph
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2023
  • Series:  
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1752-2
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 170 х 240 мм
  • Number of pages:  328 с. ; ил.
  • Product Code:  1120
  • Availability:  In Stock
УДК 327.8(470+571:495.9)(091)″1784/1866″ ББК 63.3(2)5-64+63.3(4Гре,99Крит)5

The Russian consular mission in Crete: main stages of establishment (1784–1866) : monograph

   The monograph focuses on the unstudied history of the creation and establishment of the Russian consulate and diplomatic service in Crete (Candia). Three key stages of development between 1784 and 1866 are described in the foundation of Russia’s consular and diplomatic presence in Crete. These are based on documents from the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Empire, found in the Historical Archive of Crete, a large part of which have been published for the first time.

   Certain prerequisites led up to each stage. These were connected to Russia’s foreign policy goals for Turkey, in particular the region of the Eastern Mediterranean. The monograph describes the aims of sending Russian consular representatives to Crete (which was a part of the Osman Empire), the challenges they faced, the areas of their work and the results. Biographical details of mission staff members are also given. Certain key points and findings were presented by the author in a series of published articles and in her doctoral thesis.

   The materials of this research may serve as a new supplement to the history of Russian diplomacy, may be of use to certain branches of the Foreign Ministry of Russia, and they can be of interest to those studying the history of Crete, Russo-Turkish and Russo-Greek relations.

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