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  • Turning to the East: Development of Siberia and the Far East in the context of strengthening the Asian vector of Russia's foreign policy
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2016
  • Series:  
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1531-3
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 170 х 240 мм.
  • Number of pages:  448
  • Product Code:  0758
  • Availability:  Waiting
УДК 332.1(571):[327+339.5](470+571:5) ББК 65.9(25)-962+66.4(2),9(5),4+65.59(2Рос)

Turning to the East: Development of Siberia and the Far East in the context of strengthening the Asian vector of Russia's foreign policy

   The current stage of Russia's economic and foreign policy development has been characterized by turning to the East – the attention given to the Asia-Pacific region is growing on the backdrop of Russia's worsening relations with the West. The following question: “How fast will this turn of events develop and what will it turn into?”, is one of the key questions for Russia's state policy. It is especially relevant for Russia's eastern territories where new challenges are being faced and new opportunities unfolding.

This collective monograph presents the results of long-term academic research aimed at uncovering the key directions and consequences of Russia's turn to the East. The authors note the growing role of Siberia and the Far East in Russia's economic development and sketch the main contours of Russia's state policy in developing these territories and in setting up long-term cooperation with her neighbours in the Asia-Pacific region.

The book is aimed at academics, postgraduates and graduates studying Russia's policy in Asia as part of different disciplines, and also for a wide circle of readers interested in Russia's relations with the East

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