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  • The formula for success in Japanese: 50 rules, how to achieve goals
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2017
  • Series:   Amazing
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1602-0
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 170 х 240 мм.
  • Number of pages:  192
  • Product Code:  0850
  • Availability:  In Stock
УДК 159.923:[316.644:316.477](520)(083.13) ББК 88.26-723я81+88.532.1(Япо)я81

The formula for success in Japanese: 50 rules, how to achieve goals

In many industrialized countries with a market economy, including contemporary Russia, ‘successful people’ are first and foremost those disposing of a standard set of commonly accepted attributes of success: an expensive car, expensive clothes, a large house. A successful European should definitely spend their holidays in world-famous resorts, work at a high level in a prestigious company, and so on.

However Japanese society views successful people through a different lens; those who reach the life goals that they have set for themselves, who are confident in themselves, their knowledge, abilities and actions, who have a well-paid and desirable job and who are constantly developing and perfecting themselves. Only these kinds of people hold a high status in Japanese society, have social recognition, are always in demand as individuals and respected in a team. In other words, in Japan the path to success is the ability to turn one’s dream into a meaningful goal and achieve it.

The monograph shows that in Japanese society life success in not necessarily solely connected to a successful career or financial status. It is also connected to having a family, children, being surrounded by loving family members and close ones, and spiritual wealth.

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