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  • France. Sarkozy Time
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2011
  • Series:   Faces of modern
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1397-5
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 145 х 215 мм
  • Number of pages:  320
  • Product Code:  0561
  • Availability:  Not available
УДК 929(44)Nicolas Paul Stephane Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa+94(44).087 ББК 63.3(4Фра)64-3+63.3(4Фра)64-8Саркози Н.

France. Sarkozy Time

   French President Nicolas Sarkozy is one of the most colorful figures not only in the political life of his own country, but also abroad. The son of Hungarian immigrant, he paradoxically combines a passionate defense of French national identity based on the traditional right-wing conservative values ​​but with the desire to radically modernize state institutions, economy, domestic and foreign policy of the country in line with the challenges of the XXI century. He had a great desire to raise its profile in the international arena.

The author is a well-known Russian political scientist and diplomat who spent many years in France. In the book he outlines the preliminary results of Sarkozy as head of state, gives a detailed analysis of the successes and failures of his many reforms.

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