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The last creation of the well-known Italian publicist Corrado Auggias in Russia is devoted to a thoughtful study of the first four centuries of the emergence of Christianity as religion, politics, dialectics and way of life. Author's criticism is akin to the evangelical "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for truth, for they will be filled", and in this search, Professor Remo Kacitti, a professor of ancient Christian literature, who plays the role of Virgil under Dante, helps him.
Despite the abundance of citations, ancient documents and historical references to characters, infinitely far from our time, the book is read in one breath, after all it is built in the form of a journalistic investigation and interview. And if you are curious to follow the evolution that Christianity passed from its apostolic apostolic period to the Edict of Milan, the narrative will give you many unexpected surprises and discoveries: from the causes of Catholic sexophobia and the origins of heresies to the creation of the canon and the call to martyrdom.
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