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  • Burmese language self-learner
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  1971
  • Series:  
  • ISBN: 
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет
  • Number of pages:  296 с.
  • Product Code:  нет
  • Availability:  Not available

Burmese language self-learner

    "Burmese Language Self-Teacher" consists of three sections: "Graphics and Reading Rules", "Grammar Basics", "Analytical Reading" and a brief "Burmese-Russian Dictionary", which includes all the words mentioned in one way or another in the "Self-Tutorial". For ease of reference, the first two sections are organized into paragraphs and the third into lessons. Section I "Graphics and Reading Rules" and Section II "Fundamentals of Grammar" are provided with a transcription based on the Russian script. Such transcription is adopted in the Russian-Burmese and Burmese-Russian dictionaries published in the USSR, so knowing it will make it easier for the reader to use these manuals in the future. In Section III "Analytical Reading" transcription is given only in special cases. Each paragraph of Sections I and II consists of explanatory and illustrative parts, followed by exercises. Since the "Self-Tutorial", like all works of this type, has purely practical purposes, the explanatory part is reduced to the minimum of necessary information, and the main emphasis is laid on the illustrative part and exercises. Section I also includes a little grammatical material on word formation and collocations, the knowledge of which will make it easier to master Section II. 

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