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  • Offshore companies and trusts. Anti Offshore regulation
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2019
  • Series:   International law
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1642-6
  • Cover type:  Мягкая обложка 165 х 245 мм.
  • Number of pages:  328
  • Product Code:  0905
  • Availability:  In Stock
УДК 341.9:334.726 ББК 67.930.12

Offshore companies and trusts. Anti Offshore regulation

This monograph examines the legal regime for offshore companies and trusts. The author analyzes the concept and characteristics of offshore companies and trusts, their legal nature, the primary ways in which they are used, characterizes the main offshore and trust jurisdictions, beneficial ownership, taxation and anti-offshore legislation measures applied at international and national levels. The extended analysis of Russian and international law is supplemented by examples from Russian and international legal practice featuring offshore companies and trusts. The book contains practical material and recommendations on regulating the activity of offshore companies and trusts, including conflict of laws and taxation.
Recommended to students, graduates, law lecturers in universities and faculties, practicing specialists, state officials and legislators.

Electronic book

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Paper book

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