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  • Modern Russian Policy: A Textbook for Masters
  • Publisher:  International Relations Publisher
  • Year of issue:  2018
  • Series:  
  • ISBN:  978-5-7133-1603-7
  • Cover type:  твердый переплет 145 х 215 мм
  • Number of pages:  528
  • Product Code:  0847
  • Availability:  In Stock
УДК 32(470+571)"654"(075.8) ББК 66.2(2Рос)я73-1+66.3(2Рос)я73-1+66.4(2Рос)

Modern Russian Policy: A Textbook for Masters

The second edition of this textbook focuses to a great extent on the changes in Russia’s foreign policy in the context of a ‘new cold war’; turning to the East as a strategic vector in foreign policy and the new concept of national security. In domestic policy, light is mainly shed on the new concept of economic development, the formation of a digital economy, current trends in social and national policy. Much attention is paid to the interconnection between state and civil society and the new stage of Russian administrative reforms. Current issues linked to theories, methodology and applied analyses of modern Russian politics are highlighted. Policy formation in times of crises and innovation implementation are also brought to the fore.

The author offers a systematic approach to studying the theory and practice of modern Russian policy formation by examining the main organizational and administrative reform pathways; the main trends in Russia’s domestic and foreign policy; information support and public relations in governmental organizations. Particular stress is placed on the task of forming a modern image of Russia and national branding technologies to promote the country’s image through communication channels.

For students of Political Sciences, Public and Municipal Administration, Jurisprudence, International Relations, Journalism. The book is of interest to political and state actors, researchers and specialists in politics, administration and public services.

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