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The effective negotiator: personal style, strategies, know-how  – 2nd ed., revised.
Complete collection of letters
Private International Law: Textbook – 5th ed., revised. and add.
The Austrian banking system : legacy, adaptability, variety
Criminal law and criminal procedure. Proposed reforms
Russia’s foreign policy. History and contemporaneity : monograph
Soviet Military Administration in Germany 1945–1949 : Economic aspects : a compendium of documents : in 2 volumes.
Negotiations with eastern partners: models, strategies, sociocultural traditions. 2nd ed., suppl.
Russia’s image strategy in the light of global experience – 2nd ed., revised.
Criminal and criminal procedural law in contemporary Russia. Vectors of modernization
Worldwide Arctic : in faces and events
The art of international negotiations: textbook — 6th ed.
Khrushchev’s secret policy : power, the intelligentsia, the Jewish question (New version)
The diplomacy of Peter the Great – 4th ed.
My own mission. Confessions and musings : trans. from German 2nd ed


The history of foreign banks : in 2 volumes
Business Etiquette
The unique dynasty of Linitskiy illegals
International court decisions: Arbitration, Permanent Court of International Justice, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Legal Philosophy
International Law Course
A matrix of methods for training interpreters and translators. The secret of SCIT’s success
Moral code from A to Z in contemporary Japan: do the Japanese need a moral code in the post-industrial society of the 21st century?
Who needs a reform of the UN. In the interests of one and all.
Sketches in pen and pencil from A. Vysheslavtsev’s journey around the world
The legitimacy of political power : evolution of theory and practice. The modern world and Russia
Slavic mythology. Encyclopedic Dictionary
Negotiation Skills : Textbook
A self-teaching guide on public speaking
Diplomatic Protocol in Russia – 4th edition
Criminal prosecution as a way of settling economic disputes : what is wrong in the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Rules
One Belt One Road. China’s Long March Toward 2049
History of Russian America (1732–1867)
"Also winners." The neutral countries of Europe and France in World War II.
Gold of the Russian Empire and the Bolsheviks. 1917–1922:: in 3 vol.
Social etiquette
The secret policy of Stalin. Power and anti-Semitism (New version): At 2 o'clock Part I. From tsarism to victory in World War II, Part II. Against the background of the Cold War
Origin of the Second World War
Crimean war at the sea of Azov
Offshore companies and trusts. Anti Offshore regulation
International private law: textbook 4th edition
US history
Memoirs of a counterspy. An inside view of conflict between the KGB and CIA, and not only…
The history of Russian foreign intelligence: Essays: In 6 vols
The game about W. Shakespeare, or the Mystery of the Great Phoenix
In search of an agent. Scout notes
Illegal Intelligence
Origin of the First World War
The main legal systems of our time
Comparative private law

Preparing for publication

International cooperation in the field of criminal justice: theoretical and legal foundations
Correctional legislation and legislation on detention: blueprint for reform
On either side of India. A kaleidoscope of my memories
The Ukranian Vendee. The War after the War – 2nd ed.
Dress codes. The etiquette of personal appearance
Tsars and presidents : a history of forgotten friendship