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Country studies and regional studies

The history of Spain's foreign policy since the formation of a unified state on..
550 руб.
   This book constitutes a logical continuation of the first two tome..
350 руб.
The book presents a panorama of global trends, various approaches to analyse wh..
500 руб.
   The second edition of this monograph develops more fully the concep..
550 руб.
   The book is a compilation of international legal documents referrin..
800 руб.
  Arkadiy Vinogradov – traveler, diplomat, historian and author of the boo..
300 руб.
Japanese people’s longevity is based on three factors: living in harmony with na..
500 руб.
The authors track, analyze and evaluate the main stages in the development of Ja..
550 руб.
Foreigners in Japan have always been amazed that the vast majority of its citiz..
600 руб.
This book is dedicated to the life of Edward Grey – English politician and dipl..
500 руб.
The present monograph is devoted to the research of the legal regime of offshor..
500 руб.
   The monograph unfurls the implications and contradictions of the c..
300 руб.
The authors of this monograph have attempted to generalize the Japanese’s under..
400 руб.
   In a short historical period the United States evolved from a rela..
600 руб.
   Russia and Japan are close neighbours. Up until the end of the XVII..
600 руб.
   Sketches in pen and pencil is a reedition, with a commentary and fo..
700 руб.
This monograph examines the possibility of creating a modern image of Russian ..
400 руб.
A. Rachkov’s book tells of the work of the embassy of the USSR in South Yemen f..
600 руб.
700 руб.
   This monograph analyzes the main global geoprojects and Russia’s ro..
360 руб.